1-4 November 2022


Melbourne, Australia


This program, held every three years, provides one of the most exciting and respected platforms by which we aim to promote valuable international exchange and further progress the field of lumbopelvic pain



Call for papers now open!


Abstracts with the following topics related to the lumbar spine and pelvis can be submitted:

  • Advances in technology
  • Anatomy, biomechanics and motor control
  • Education and behavioural therapies
  • Exercise
  • Fascia in lumbopelvic pain and stability
  • Lumbar Pain
  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • Primary care for low back pain
  • Self-management/lifestyle interventions
  • Surgery


Deadline for submissions is 20 December 2022


Information about the formats of presentations, instructions for authors, etc. is now available on the congress website www.worldcongresslbp.com